
The University Woman’s Club functioned between 1913 and 1918 as an auxiliary of the University YMCA with a goal of service to students and faculty. A major project was improving the University Infirmary. In 1924 the University Woman’s Club became a separate organization. During the founding year officers were elected, and regular meetings, social events, and projects were initiated. After a period of relative inactivity during the depression years of the early 1930s, the Club was revitalized in 1935. In 1936 the Club membership approved the first official set of bylaws. Other service projects included assistance with the UGA infirmary, campus landscaping, cultural events, markers for historical sites, and patriotic projects in the early 1940s.


With the tremendous growth of the University after World War II and the increased number of civic and service groups in the Athens community, the membership voted in 1948 to emphasize the social and study aspects of the organization. The first Interest Groups were organized on the topics of music, reading, gardening, and sewing. The number of groups has continued to grow, always reflecting the many interests of the UWC members. In addition to the regular monthly meetings, other social activities include luncheons, dinners, games, sports, travel, and fashion shows.


The 50th Anniversary of the UWC was celebrated during 1974-1975 by the creation and acceptance of a UWC Crest as the organization's official emblem. In 2001-2002 the membership approved a change in the bylaws to open membership to any woman affiliated with the University Community, past or present. In 2016 bylaws were changed to admit men as associate members.


The University Woman’s Club will celebrate 100 years of women supporting UGA in 2024-2025. For a century, UWC remains one of the most vital organizations to form friendships among a large and diverse group in the community, to offer networking opportunities by participating in Interest Groups, and to stay connected to UGA faculty, staff, and students by supporting the Scholarship Fund.